Contact: elisabethbrun(at)
Elisabeth Brun is a visual artist, filmmaker and theorist exploring questions of form, of mediation, of knowledge, of the relation between human/environment. Her work takes different forms such as films, installations, 3D work and texts, engaging in dialogues between philosophy, the environmental humanities and visual art.
Bruns work has been screened/exhibited internationally at festivals/ venues such as Oberhausen International Short Film Festival (DE), Seattle Art Museum (US), Montreal Festival du Nouveaux Cinéma (CA) and Lofoten International Art Festival LIAF (NO). Recent awards/ honors include Kings College´s Ivan Juritz Prize for Creative Experiment 2020, a special mention in the Emerging Artist Award at Mimesis Doc Fest and a Poetry by Video Artist Award at Cadence Video Poetry festival.
Elisabeth Brun holds a PhD in Media Studies from the University of Oslo, 14 years of experience as a documentary filmmaker/ journalist (NRK) and a post-master in Public Art from the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Brun is currently a visiting scholar at The School of Arts, Design and Media, Kristiania University College, Oslo.
Bruns work has been screened/exhibited internationally at festivals/ venues such as Oberhausen International Short Film Festival (DE), Seattle Art Museum (US), Montreal Festival du Nouveaux Cinéma (CA) and Lofoten International Art Festival LIAF (NO). Recent awards/ honors include Kings College´s Ivan Juritz Prize for Creative Experiment 2020, a special mention in the Emerging Artist Award at Mimesis Doc Fest and a Poetry by Video Artist Award at Cadence Video Poetry festival.
Elisabeth Brun holds a PhD in Media Studies from the University of Oslo, 14 years of experience as a documentary filmmaker/ journalist (NRK) and a post-master in Public Art from the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Brun is currently a visiting scholar at The School of Arts, Design and Media, Kristiania University College, Oslo.
Upcoming and Recent
Invited talk. TBA. Sophia University, Tokyo. 24.04.2025
Workshop. Title: Expanded Archives, org: NODES Collective, Goethe Institute Oslo. 03.04-04.04.2025
Invited talk at master-course: Methods in Artistic Research. Stockholm University of the Arts. 28.02.2025. Online.
Invited panelist, Remote Control, Barents Spektakel, 22.02.2025
Launch essay: “Utopian Signals: Accidental Archivism of the Nyksund Ecotopia” in Metode, Vol. 3: Currents - Regenerating Pasts for the Not-yet. ROM for kunst og arkitektur. 13.02.2025
Invited talk at Future Maybe - a Seminar on Technology and Affect, Kabelvåg Art and Film School @ Tromsø International Film Festival TIFF. 16.01.2025
Experimental essay, in development with Metode, Vol. 3: “Currents - Regenerating pasts for the not-yet.” ROM for kunst og arkitektur. First workshop 12.06.2024. Second workshop 23.09-24.09.2024. Third workshop: 15.11.2024.
Screening, Big Tech Blues - work in progress, Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF), 20.09-20.10.2024
Exhibition, House of Broken Utopias, immersive and interactive artwork by NODES Collective, Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF), 20.09-20.10.2024
Keynote, “Who Wants to Be Boring: Art, Ecology and Arctic Living Beyond the Image”, The Great Defrost Symposium, Galleri Gudmundsdottir, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin Art Week. 13.09.2024
Essay, “Reconfiguring the Mountain: A Topographical Approach to Aesthetics (in an Age of Time and Place-illiteracy)”, in Aesthetics in the Age of Unreason, Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, vol.33, no.67. Eds. Maja Bak-Herrie & Tobias Dias. Published 31.07.2024.
Panel and launch of new special issue of the Screenworks Journal, “New Entanglements: Interrelations Between Film and Philosophy”, Film-Philosophy Conference, Esphino (PT). Online. 01.07.2024
Screening, Big Tech Blues - work in progress, Gnistsambandet - Opptakt, Festspillutstillingen, Lofoten International Art festival (LIAF) with Festspillene i Nord Norge / Arctic Arts Festival. Galleri Nord-Norge. 22.06 -29.06.2024
Invited talk and workshop, “Re-activating a 1980s Utopia through Collaborative Media Art.” Henrik Steffens Masterclass: Creativity and Collaboration, Humboldt University zu Berlin, 06.06.-08.06. 2024
Invited lecture on Moving Image Topography, @ PhD-seminar: “Artistic Research in Film and Related Audiovisual ArtForms”, The Norwegian Film School. 23.05-24.05. 2024
Committee member, doctoral defence for Marius Dybwad Brandrud, Öra nära munnen: samtal mellan film och filosofi, Stockholm University of the Arts. 07.05.2024
Committee member, doctoral defence for Nathalie Suck Fari, Situated Agencies: Mediating Places through the Body, Performing Arts, University of Gotheburg, 03.05.2024
Paper / demo of work in progress AR@K symposium: The Artist, the Ghost and the Machine, Kristiania University College, Oslo. 19.03.2024
Book contract signed with Routledge for Place and the Moving Image. 07.12.2023
Invited talk, Art in the Village, Art in the Landscape Symposium, Sophia University, Tokyo. Online. 07.12.2023
Launch of “Stubborn Mountains: traversing familiar topographies with Paul Cézanne” in Eigenssige Orte / Stubborn Places, Verlag Kettler, Berlin. Essay in anthology. 26.10.2023
Score/text, Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab exhibition, SPARK, Malmö. 20.10 - 19.11.2023.
Invited talk, Videographic Entanglements Symposium, University of Huddersfield. 19.10-22.10.2023
Paper, Transdisciplinarity in the Environmental Humanities Symposium, Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH), 06.09-07.09.2023
Workshop Nyksund, Northern Norway, Nyksund Reloaded. NODES collective. 02.08 -21.08.2023
Residency, Norwegian Embassy in Berlin, with Nyksund Reloaded. 26.06-03.07.2023
3xShapes of Home: Arquiteturas Film Festival: Where Life Happens, Porto (PT), 27.06-01.07.2023
Invited talk on work in progress, Imagine Earth conference, Lousiana Museum of Modern Art. 08.06-09.06.2023
How Does the Crack Willow Crack, sound installation and guided tour, Lövholmen, OPI-Lab, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm. 01.06.2023
Paper, Land and Sea: Topographical Imagination and the Moving Image conference, Istanbul Bilgi University, 05-06.05.2023
Of Public Interest (OPI Lab), Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm (SE), 2022/2023
PhD, Media and Communications, University of Oslo (NO), 2020
Bilder Nordic School of Photography (NO), 2014
Master, Media and Communications, University of Oslo (NO), 2013
Master, International Journalism, City University, London (UK), 2001
Cand Mag/ BA Sociology, University of Oslo, 2000
Site Specific works
House of Broken Utopias, installation by NODES collective, Sparks / Gnistsambandet, Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF), 2024
How Does the Crack Willow Crack, OPI Lab, Lövholmen, sound installation + guided tour, OPI Lab, Stockholm (SE). 2023
Overflate / Underflate. Fileten, Nyksund (NO). Sound & video installation. Funded by KORO / Public Art Norway. 2021
4X4 – THE SELF-SERVICE CHANNEL, The journalist has quit – do it yourself. Interactive sound installation. 4X4 – second edition, Tromsø Kunstforening. 2007
Collective Shows
Gnistsambandet - Opptakt, Festspillutstillingen, Lofoten International Art festival (LIAF) with Festspillene i Nord Norge / Arctic Arts Festival . Screening “Big Tech Blues - work in progress”, Galleri Nord-Norge, 2024
36th Film- und Medienwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums, with 3xShapes of Home, Universität Salzburg/Universität Mozarteum Salzburg (DE), 2023
Re-inhabiting the Image, Filmexplorer´s video-essay gallery, online / Stadtkino Basel (CH) with 3xShapes of Home, 2022
How to Become a Posthuman, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Masterclass, 2022/23 with Szikago Pakrel: Future Archeology. New Art City. Online, 2022/23
Internal Tides, Seattle Art Museum (US), GLOBAL VISIONS OF WATER, 2022
betweenebbandflow, with 3xShapes of Home MOM Art space, Hamburg (DE), 2022
EXOPOIEISIS. aCinema Space // online, Milwakee (US), 2021
Film Festivals (selection)
Arquiteturas Film Festival, Porto (PT), 2023
Uppsala Short Film Festival (SE), 2021
Montreal Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (CA), 2021
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (DE), 2021.
Vienna Shorts (AUT), 2021
ArchFilm Lund (SE), 2021
Bogota Experimental Film Festival (CO), 2021
Mimesis Documentary Festival, Colorado (US), 2021
Cadence Video Poetry Festival, Seattle (US), 2021
Art Visuals and Poetry Film Festival, Vienna (AUT), 2021
Istanbul Experimental Film festival, (TR), 2021.
Awards (selection)
Best Video Essays 2021, Sight & Sound Magazine (UK), 2022
Winner “Poetry by Video Artist” Award, Cadence Video Poetry Festival, Seattle (US). 2021
Special Mention, “Emerging Artist” Award, Mimesis Documentary Festival, Boulder, Colorado (US), 2021
Winner Ivan Juritz Prize for Creative Experiment, Visual Arts. King´s College, London / Cove Park; Scotland (UK), 2020
Grants / Fellowships
Visiting scholar, The School of Arts, Design and Media, Kristiania University College, Oslo, 2023-2025
Residency / “Residens i Residensen”, The Norwegian Embassy in Berlin, 2023
Norwegian Research Council (NFR), overseas travel grant for researchers, 2021
Visiting scholar at Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Berlin 2021
Completion Grant Fellow (Gjennomføringsstipendiat), University of Oslo. 2020-2021
Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo, 2016 -2020
Fritt Ord Foundation - Scholarship master thesis. 2013
Media Employment
Documentary film director and journalist, Norwegian Public Broadcasting (NRK). 2001-2014
“Utopian Signals: Accidental Archivism of the Nyksund Ecotopia” in Metode, Vol. 3: Currents - Regenerating Pasts for the Not-yet. ROM for kunst og arkitektur + LIAF 2024. eds: Halland I., Solbakken K., Authors: Brun E.,Hámos G., Pratschke K. 2025.
Reconfiguring the Mountain: “A Topographical Approach to Aesthetics”, in Aesthetics in the Age of Unreason, Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, vol.33, no.67. 2024.
Stubborn Mountains: Traversing Familiar Topographies with Paul Cézanne, essay in Eigensinnige Orte / Stubborn Places, eds: S. Bürkle, A. Gross, K, Wegemann. Verlag Kettler. 2023
The Researcher-Filmmaker as a Topographical Thinker, book chapter, Constructions of The Real, Intellect Books, 2023.
Thinking Through Form, Screenworks, 2021
Ørnemetoden, Norsk Medietidsskrift, 2021
3xShapes Home: a topographical moving image experiment, Textual Practice, vol 35 Taylor & Francis, 2021
New Entanglements special issue, Screenworks. Inter-relations between Film and Philosophy, 2024.
Symposia, curation
New Entanglements: Philosophy, Aesthetics and Artistic Research in Film, online symposium, Institute for Artistic Research (IKF - host) Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (DE), Kabelvåg Film and Art School (NO), Media Aesthetics Research-group, University of Oslo, 2022
Talks (selected)
Invited talk and screening, Remote Control, Barents Spektakel, 2025
Invited talk at “Future Maybe - a Seminar on Technology and Affect”, Kabelvåg Art and Film School @ Tromsø International Film Festival TIFF, 2025.
Keynote, The Great Defrost Symposium, Galleri Gudmundsdottir, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin Art Week, 2024
Invited talk and workshop, Henrik Steffens Masterclass: Creativity and Collaboration, Humboldt University zu Berlin, 2024.
Invited lecture, PhD-seminar: “Artistic Research in Film and Related Audiovisual ArtForms”, The Norwegian Film School, 2024.
Paper, Transdisciplinarity in the Environmental Humanities Symposium, Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH), 2023
Invited talk, Imagine Earth, Lousiana Museum of Modern Art, 2023
Invited lecture, Centre for Excellence in Image Studies, University of Bucharest, 2023
Paper, AR@K, Kristiania University College, 2023
Talk. New Entanglements: Philosophy, Aesthetics and Artistic Research in Film. Online symposium, 2022
Invited talk, Film as Thinking: Art, Architecture and the Moving Image. Seminar, NTNU, 2022
Paper, 13th SAR conference, Bauhaus University Weimar (DE), 2022.
Invited lecture, Screen Aesthetics Workshop Week, University of Oslo, 2022
Invited workshop, Screen Cultures Master programme, University of Oslo, 2022
Paper, Visible Evidence conference, 2021
Invited lecture, Filmuniversity Babelsberg, KONRAD WOLF, 2021
Invited lecture, BA Media Aesthetics, Aarhus University, 2021
Member of
Media Aesthetics - collaborative network, University of Oslo (NO)
Collaborative Media Art (CoMA), research group, Kristiania University College (NO)
Norsk Medieforskerlag / The Norwegian Association for Media Researchers
Filmmaking Research, Academic Film and Videographic Criticism, research group at Aarhus University (DK)
European Network for Cinema and Media Studies NECS
NODES Collective - artist group
Norske Billedkunstnere / Association of Norwegian Visual Artists
Aksjon for Filmkunst (AFF) / Action for Film art (NO)